Thursday, 16 October 2014

Another GREAT Week @ FHC Week 2 Term 4

Important Dates 2014
International Tennis Program Open Day 9am Thursday 23 October
Duke of Edinburgh - Monday 27 October~Thursday 30 October
Last Day of Year 11 - Friday 28 November
Last Day of Year 10 - Friday 5 December
Year 7 2015 Orientation Day - Tuesday 9 December
College Assembly: Thursday 11 December
5 Session Day
Last Day Years 7-9 - Tuesday 16 December

Some useful links

Dear all, welcome to week 2 Term 4

This week we celebrated the final school day of our wonderful class of 2014. Whilst their journeys with us may have begun at various points, this week we paused  to acknowledge the culmination of 13 years of schooling for these students. For some this has represented a very pleasant and smooth experience. For most there have been hurdles, mountains, defining moments, times of extreme sadness and times of great exhilaration. No matter what they all go on to do, this week I have the privilege of representing our College in saying thank you for the contribution you have made to our school community.
I ask each member of the class of 2014 to reflect on how key staff over the years have made a positive impact on their journeys. I hope they seek those staff out and acknowledge their efforts.

Each year I like to remind our students that the way they will be remembered is often on based on how they exit. It is very important that they depart the College that has been such a large part of your lives with dignity and class. This year has been no exception. The students as always were magnificent. Their final assembly was a moving tribute to their contributions at the College. Our Captains spoke well and a fantastic video tribute had been put together by the students. The Formal was a lovely evening, and the students were impeccable in both behaviour and appearance.

It is critical for all of us to be wary of the pressure we inadvertently can place on our students as they move through the stressful time that goes with VCE exams. I would like to remind our students that they are aiming for a personal best rather than competing with others, Our focus is on the effort they put in. Putting the exams in the right perspective is important for us as supportive adults around them to remember.
Your ATAR score does not define who you are as a person. The way you go about life, the effort you put into your goals and dreams and how you build strong relationships with people are what defines who you are. Whilst I am not trying to diminish the ATAR score, I am trying to put in perspective for you. If you achieve what you want, great, the doors are open for you to progress to the next phase of your life. If you do not achieve the ATAR you want or need, persist. The world is full of people who fall short at times in their life but through persistence, self belief and hard work, eventually achieve their life goals. We are always here to support you and enjoy it when you visit. We look forward to and open the doors to, all of you to do that in the future.

This week we give our Year 12 students a certificate acknowledging their love of learning and we sincerely hope they continue to seek learning as they continue to grow as a young adult. Through time, we have learnt that learning is the key to unlocking a happy and successful life, one that realizes your potential and makes you a powerful contributor to your community.
The certificate also represents the incredible resilience each student has shown over 13 years. I am sure there were many times when the easy option was to stay at home, to not complete that homework, to not accept the challenge that school throws at you. If nothing else, you have proved to yourself you can set a long term goal and do the work that is required to achieve it. This certificate also shows you can build relationships with people and make friends. It shows you can resolve disputes and keep moving forwards.

This certificate is more than a piece of paper, it is a symbol of the wonderful young person you are. Whatever the outcome over the exam period we are proud of you, we support you, you inspire us to be better teachers every day.

College Library News

War Memorabilia Display

Until next Friday 24 October 2014 the library has a great display of materials on loan from the National War Memorial of Australia.

Artifacts, photographs and clothing from the Vietnam Conflict and World War 2 are on display. The items give a real sense of what Australian Service Personnel may have experienced during these times.
Scholastic Book Club
The library host Scholastic Book Club and have 6 brochures catering to a wide range of reading and interest levels. Orders can be placed online and a copy returned to the library by Friday 24 October 2014. Brochures are available from the library.

Life's Lessons

On Wednesday,  all year 9's and 10's were fortunate to listen, and learn from, Kerryn Redpath. She presented her story about how she failed to make healthy life decisions and the impact this has had on her in the long term. Kerryn highlighted the importance of taking care of others, standing by your mates, seeking help when and if you need it, making considered choices and the risks associated with poor choices.
Kerryn’s powerful story was inspirational whilst being an effective tool to highlight the pressures that teens can face.

To parents of teens
Do you want to motivate your young person but don’t know how to do it?
Do you struggle to know what to say in order to get more than a grunt in response?
Do you want to know how to get involved in your young person’s life but don’t feel like you’re connecting?
Do you want to connect with other parents of teens to know that you’re not alone in the challenges of raising a teen?
You will get all this, and more, from our parent forum. Please read on for details.

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