Thursday, 31 July 2014

Another GREAT Week @ FHC Week 3 Term

Important Dates 2014

Trivia Night - Wednesday 13 August
Parent/Student/Teacher Interviews - Tuesday 2 September

Some useful links
Dear all, welcome to week 3 Term 3.

Course selection looms large for our students across the next few weeks.I encourage all students to plan carefully and talk with their parents and teachers as they plot their later years courses. Many Tertiary institutions have their open days across this period and visiting these is a very important step in selecting later years courses. On Wednesday night next week we have our information night and our expectation is that all parents and students attend. It is here many of you will learn about how we support students through VCE and VET. 
Our staff are experts and it is a great opportunity to hear from them how best to achieve success in the later years. Here at Forest Hill College we have a very strong focus on academic success for all students. If you have any questions about this process please do not hesitate to make contact with our staff responsible for transitioning your children across the year levels.

Basketball Marathon 2014

9am on Friday saw the end to our Annual 24 hour Basketball Marathon. Many bleary eyes greeted the rest of the College as the school day begun.

The College community wishes to say a huge thanks to the co-ordinator of the event, Ben Stephenson.  Ben planned and oversaw the event working alongside a capable and enthusiastic committee. Huge contributions also came from the Year 11 Business Management class and their teacher Mrs Axiotis. They organized and ran the canteen and the silent auction. Ms Robinson also worked with an Art committee to produce some themed decorations. The event was a massive success, with the stadium packed throughout the entire event.
Congratulations  to the undefeated staff basketball team, who put on a clinic in defeating the hapless Year 12 student team yet again, in what was surely one of the highlights of the event.

A more detailed report will be included in next week’s blog.

Kelly from the Leukemia Foundation was immensely grateful to our College for the fundraising effort which on a preliminary count is around $8000.


The Rypen Experience

The RYPEN Experience (Rotary Youth Program of Enrichment) is being offered to Forest Hill College students.

RYPEN Experience is for people who want to develop their potential.   The RYPEN Experience aims to inspire and motivate young people, to build their confidence, self-esteem, leadership and life skills.   The program aims to support and encourage young people to create a successful and fulfilling life, to deal positively with a variety of issues that impact their life, and to make a difference, at home, at school and in the broader community.
The program is targeted to 14 – 17 year old, secondary school students.  There is no cost to students. The program runs from 4:00 p.m. Friday 12th September, 2014 to 3:00 p.m. Sunday 14thSeptember, 2014.  We are seeking applications by Friday 15th August, 2014, please. More info and paperwork is available through Mrs McEwen, Counselling and Wellbeing Leader.
Music Performance 27 July 2014
On Sunday 27 July 2014 our Stage Band led by Cheryl Morrow and our Jazz Band led by Cameron Stark provided entertainment for a community dinner at the Melbourne Revival Centre in Box Hill. They presented a range of musical items from jazz/ rock to contemporary popular, including works for solo vocalists. They were well received by a large audience and their performance was very professional. For some students this was their first experience of a live ‘gig’ providing entertainment in a more informal setting.  Everyone participating was treated to a sumptuous three course meal on the night which together with the great music making made it a very enjoyable experience.
Year 10 Maths Games Day
On Thursday 31 July our Year 10 team attended the annual Maths Games Day held at Mt Scopus Memorial College in Burwood. The competition is run by the Mathematical Association of Victoria. The day is designed to develop mathematical talents and thinking skills.

Our team of four year 10 students consisted of Jupinder, Lukas, Matt and Niky. The team performed well, having a day of challenging and engaging problem solving activities, finishing mid table in the results.


College Council Catering

College Council would like to thank Mrs Jane Boras and her catering team of Middle Years students, for preparing our College Councillors a beautiful dinner on Wednesday night.

The rich beef pies and delicious little sweets were just the pick me up we all needed on a cold winters night to help us get through our meeting.

Thursday, 24 July 2014

Another GREAT Week @ FHC Week 2 Term 3

Important Dates 2014

Basketball Marathon - Thursday 31 July--Friday 1 August
Parent/Student/Teacher Interviews - Tuesday 2 September

Some useful links
Dear all, welcome to week 2 Term 3.

This week we celebrated our College value of a "Safe and Secure Environment." At Forest Hill College we understand that every now and then relationships between students can become frayed. We work hard at these times to restore these relationships so that we can all operate in a harmonious environment.
It is difficult when around us, world leaders and key role models speak with aggression and hatred and seek vengeance and retaliation following traumatic events.
We hope sincerely our world leaders operate with dignity and statesman like diplomacy to seek harmonious solutions to the violence in war torn countries. It is not the time for grandstanding and strong language. It is hard to teach students to do this when they see world leaders behaving aggressively and seeking payback.
Unfortunately there are times when at school, peer relationships break down. This is a reality in all organisations.Through the use of restorative processes is how we like to work at repairing relationships when they do become fractured. We believe all students have a talent and a strength, and we work to bring this out of all students in an environment that is safe and secure. This takes considerable skill, time and effort. Most of the time we enjoy a harmonious, orderly and productive culture. We are very proud of this. As I have walked our classrooms this week I must congratulate our staff and students on the outstanding learning culture that exists. I am very excited at the quality of learning happening in our classrooms.

Year 8 Locker Bay Project

For the last couple of weeks in term 2, Mr McKinnon and Ms Robinson's Year 8 classes combined to talk about some of the issues we have in our locker bays. For example personal hygiene, keeping the area clean, and things like that. We needed to split into groups of about 3 or 4 (in some cases, more people). The groups each got given a specific topic to research or come up with some ideas to solve the problem. Crystal (8B) and myself, Olivia, were the event managers, and our jobs were to make sure everyone was getting their work done and we helped give them ideas or helped them with things they needed.

On Tuesday 24 June 2014 we had an action day, we grabbed our mops, buckets and clothes and we scrubbed the lockers and floor of our Year 8 locker bay until they were clean. We then put up posters that the groups had made, we are hoping that our lockers will remain clean and that our hard work paid off.

Olivia N 8C.

 VCE Theatre Studies Excursion

On Tuesday evening the VCE Theatre Studies class went to see Sondheim’s musical ‘Into the Woods’ at the Arts Centre.

VCE Theatre Studies requires Unit 3&4 students to see two plays from the prescribed playlist published by VCAA and write a performance analysis for their outcome. Students are also required to answer questions on the interpretation during the end of year exam.

The performance centred around well-known fairytales, staged by Victoria Opera, focused heavily on the music and singing. There were some excellent characterisations, including some dramatic character transformation. The costumes were brightly coloured and reminiscent of a child’s storybook.

 Library News

As part of the  Wenzhou No 8 High School exchange students and teachers visited the College Library to learn how our library services support students and staff. Visiting students enthusiastically completed an orientation quiz which guided them around the library and our collection. Wenzhou High School does not have a school library with students having to find information from other sources. Math teacher Yinsheng Wu viewed our staff support materials whilst Wenzhou School Principal Xiaoqin Zheng observed how her students worked independently and collaboratively to complete the quiz.

 Mathematics Challenge Stage 2014

Early in term two, sixteen students from Year 7-10 Mathematics entered the Mathematics challenge Stage. The purpose of the Maths Challenge Stage is to encourage and foster:

  • a greater interest and awareness of the power of mathematics
  • a desire to succeed in solving stimulating mathematics problems individually and in groups
  • a discovery of the joy of problem solving in mathematics
  • the identification of talented young Australians, recognizing their achievements nationally and providing support that will enable them to reach their own levels of excellence.

Our students should be congratulated for their fine efforts. The Challenge ran over three weeks and the students had to keep up with all their other Mathematics work while completing the Challenge.

The results are as follows:


Zoe H (yr8), Dominic O (yr9), Jupinder G (yr10), Matthew W (yr10)


Chloe T (yr8), Holly T (yr8), Crystal T (yr8), Ricky L (yr9),

Niky T (yr10), Petar T (yr10), James B (yr10), Jack B (yr10),

Lukas S (yr10)


Caleb O (yr7), Jacob N (yr7), Navindu D (yr8)
Well done!

Debaters Association Round 5

Round 5 of the Debaters Association of Victoria took place on Thursday.  Our A grade team, Ben S., Paul K., and Maddy T., argued against Wesley College in the negative 'That doctors should be allowed to override the wishes of family wishes where the patient is unable to communicate their wishes'. Ben S. was awarded best speaker of the debate, but the team lost by a very narrow margin of one point.   Our C grade team, which consisted of Noah d., James B., and Jack B., successfully argued in the negative against Wesley College 'That we should abolish the minimum wage' scoring a decisive three point win, with James awarded best speaker in the debate. Our D grade team, Alysha R., Ayen G., Jesse d., with Tea D., acting as chairperson argued against Glen Waverley Secondary College that 'We should abolish exams in schools'.  The team lost by two points but Alysha was awarded equal best speaker with the first speaker for the affirmative. 

Alice Romanis.

Forest Hill College Students Participate in Art Competition

Forest Hill Rotary Club asked our school if we would like to support the publication of a children's book by contributing illustrations. Last year, art students were invited to submit entries. To prepare for the task ahead,  we heard from Jacki Moss, a local children's book illustrator, about how to create successful illustrations. The text was given to students and drawings completed. We were then faced with the difficult decision judging the best entry.

It has been a privilege to collaborate with the Blackburn Lake Education Project and Forest Hill Rotary Club. We look forward to this relationship continuing.

Mr Bill Marsh, President of Forest Hill Rotary Club presented a gift voucher to Zena Z as the successful illustrator in the Art Competition.

Deaf Sports Day

On Thursday, our Deaf and Hard of Hearing students headed into MSAC to represent Forest Hill College in the annual Secondary Schools Deaf Sports Day. As usual, Forest Hill College students were particularly strong competitors in the basketball but were also well represented in netball, soccer, table tennis and badminton. By far the greatest highlight was the opportunity to catch up with other DHH students from all over the state including Mildura, in particular old friends from primary school. We had the pleasure of past students from FHC attend this highly popular community event, providing a fun way of establishing new friendships and reconnecting with past friends.

Amanda Purcell

Thursday, 17 July 2014

Another GREAT Week @ FHC Week 1 Term 3

Important Dates 2014

Deaf Sports - Thursday 24 July
Basketball Marathon - Thursday 31 July--Friday 1 August
Parent/Student/Teacher Interviews - Tuesday 2 September

Some useful links
Dear all, welcome to week 1 Term 3.

The holidays came and went quickly and before we know it the Central Tour has returned, the Waverley International Netball Tournament is over and our Library and Theatre renovations are complete. The netball girls finished mid table, and we were very pleased with this result in our first year back in the tournament.
Week 1 has come and gone and we are now counting down towards the trial VCE exams in the September break and the Basketball marathon.
All teaching staff are in the middle of finalising their new performance plans. they have submitted them for review and will be involved in conversations to finalise these goals. Quality feedback on teacher performance is an essential element of the leadership of this College. We are very pleased with the quality of all teachers' plans and look forward to working with all of our staff to continue improving the quality of our work.
This week we delivered presentations to 2 soccer clubs about the International Football Program beginning at the College in 2015, and have received enrolment applications and tour requests immediately following these presentations. We are very excited about the opening of this program in 2015.

Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School
Students with Disability

Forest Hill College takes great pride in the provision of an inclusive education. Like all DEECD schools we are participating in the 2014 Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (the Data Collection). This is a joint initiative that has been endorsed by all education ministers in Australia. The Data Collection is an annual count of the number of students with disability, receiving adjustments to allow them to participate in education on the same basis as students without disability.

DEECD describes the purpose of the Data Collection as:
  • providing the Australian government and schools with a better understanding of their student population and how students with disability can better be supported
  • assisting education authorities and schools to better target programs and make resourcing decisions 
  • contributing to more effective outcomes and a quality learning experience for young Australians

Forest Hill College has identified students that are currently receiving adjustments to the learning program to ensure equitable access.

Families of the students that the College has identified will:
  • receive a letter outlining the Data Collection
  • have the opportunity to opt out of the Data Collection

Families that don’t opt out are agreeing to data being collected on  their child.

If you have any queries about this process there is more information on the website
or please do not hesitate to contact our PSD co-ordinator.

Silk Cut Award 2014

At the beginning of Term 2 the Art Department ran the very first annual event of the ‘Forest Hill Printmaking Competition’. Students from every year level were invited to submit an illustration which would then be turned into a lino block print.

There were a number of entries and those students spent their lunch times turning their illustrations into prints.

Vanessa L, Amanda H and Zena Z’s print were then entered into the ‘Silk Cut Award 2014’ which is opened to students from all over the country and overseas.

This week the Art Department received a letter informing us that Vanessa L’s print ‘Supreme’ 2014 has been selected by the judges to be included in the exhibition of finalists! Vanessa has been invited to the opening night of the exhibition when the awards will be announced.

The exhibition will be open to the public from 6-21st September 2014 at the Glen Eira City Council Gallery in Caulifed.

Congratulations Vanessa!

Basketball Marathon 2014
Year 11 Business Management students have been given the responsibility to run the Basketball Marathon Canteen as part of their Unit 2 assessment.
The students are seeking interest from parents and volunteers in the service and preparation of food on Thursday July 31st between 9am and 10pm.
We are also seeking individual baked items to be sold through the canteen, and memorabilia or other items that can be auctioned throughout the day.
Please contact:
Kosta Axiotis - (volunteers)
Jun Bao Shi - (food donations)
Jason Ekonomides - (auction items)
Mrs Effie Axiotis Email: 

State Cross Country Competition.
On Thursday 17 July 2014 Mr Cutler took Holly to the State Cross Country Competition held at Bundoora Park. It was a freezing cold day with winds that were colder than the ice creams sold at the school canteen. The race started at 1:00pm, and by 1:12pm, it was all over, well, for Holly anyway. She had burnt around the track in nearly record time and was clearly in a good company as she finished in the top 10 in the state. Her final results showed that she finished 7th in what was an incredible performance. She left it all on the track as she competed hard and gave it her very best. We look forward to hopefully seeing her back there again next year, and maybe even pushing for a medal reaching the top 3. Well done on a fantastic effort Holly, you have done yourself and Forest Hill College very proud.
Mr Cutler.
Waverley International Schools Netball Championships