Thursday, 6 February 2014

Another GREAT Week-2

Calendar dates
Term 1, 2014

Year 7 Parent Connections Night - Tuesday 11 February
College Photos - Thursday 13 February
Year 7 Instrumental Music Demonstration Day - Friday 14 February
Year 7 Camp - Wednesday 26 February - Friday 28 February

Some useful links

Dear all,

welcome to week 2 Term 1.

It has been pleasing to see as I walk around classes that most students have settled into some really good practices already. The Year 7 students seem to all be on our network now and using their new devices for learning. Their classes appear settled and they look like they belong at the College already.
The Study Centre has been re arranged and some new expectations around it's use are being established. So far it has been used well by most students. The culture we are developing is aimed at creating a quiet, individual study space to optimise the study period time students have at school. We now have Home Group at the start of the day and expect all VCE students to be in Home Group, even if they do not have class period one. This means they will have increased opportunities to study in a really good space, and we need them to have a clear purpose about the way they use this time. 
We expect our VCE students to be studying at least 2 to 3 hours additional to the class time they have every day. This is the only way they can guarantee they are doing enough work to get their best possible ATAR at the completion of their VCE. This takes significant sacrifice and discipline. Our students have to be aware that this is what the best students in the state are doing, and they need to match or better these efforts to get a placement in the Tertiary course of their choice.

Our Year 12 students have returned to classes following their Study Skills Camp. The camp focused on the "how" of VCE success and hopefully inspired our students and developed some skills that they can apply this year in their study. The evening activity of Laser Tag and 10 Pin Bowling was a nice release for the students after a heavy day in the Lecture Theatre. Thanks to the staff who made this camp a reality and arranged fantastic presenters to work with our students.

Parents should keep an eye on the Compass Newsfeed.

Every Day is an Opportunity to Make a New Happy Ending. ~ Author Unknown

Our Year 12 students were given the opportunity to experience a taste of University life, earlier this week, at Deakin University.

After navigating themselves around scaffolding/building rubble, students found Lecture Theatre 4, effortlessly, and were ready to commence two days of engaging lectures/workshops. The speakers this year talked to our students about various ways to improve their learning behaviours to enable success. Although our guest speakers presented material that was vastly different, they all conveyed the message that achieving one’s personal best requires “grit”, “organisation”, “effective time-management”, “work-life balance”, and to achieve this students need to have SMART goals in place.

On Monday evening, students had the opportunity to socialise with each other and staff, enjoying games of bowling and laser tagging. I would like to thank our Year 12 Students on being great ambassadors for our College and for the fun night had by all at bowling. Thanks to all the staff who attended the 2 days at Deakin Uni; to staff who attended bowling and to the following guest speakers:
  • Dr Maria Gindidis( Lecturer- Monash University)
  • Tony Thompson (VCE English teacher/assessor, Author)
  • Daniel Sharp (VCE Help and Study Skills-Director)

I know they have given our students plenty of food for thought, that will enable them to seize every opportunity in 2014.

Good Luck Year 12’s, have a great year, we are there beside you.

Mrs Kamvissis
Careers/Pathways Leader

Chinese Year of the Horse

Friday 31st January marked the first day of The Year of the Horse and Chinese New Year Celebrations.
The morning started off with Ms Cheryl Roberts, one of our Chinese Language teachers teaching all staff how to wish somebody in Chinese "a happy new year". The merriment continued at Forest Hill College as Chinese, Korean, teachers and students - of all nationalities -  got together for lunch and celebrated by eating a feast of Chinese food provided by the International Student Program.

It was a really happy, delicious day and the International students who were away from their parents felt a little more at home with Chinese New Year being recognized and celebrated by the College. A big thankyou to all the ISP staff for making it such a great day and a Happy Year of the Horse for you all!


Year 7 & 8 Chinese New Year Activities
Happy Chinese New Year! 新年快乐!恭喜发财 ! 马年大吉!This year is the Year of the Horse. In China, Chinese New Year celebrations officially continue for 15 days, so since last Friday (January 31) we have been celebrating with a number of fun activities.

Last Friday, the Year 7 Language programme began with a celebration of Chinese New Year including learning a Chinese New Year Song, chopsticks competitions, and guessing lantern riddles. At the end of the lesson, students each received a Chinese red packet as they greeted their teacher with the Chinese New Year greeting.
Year 8 Chinese language students have also celebrated with these activities in their classes during the last week.
Last Friday students throughout the school celebrated Chinese New Year in their home groups by guessing lantern riddles. I wonder if you can guess any of them??
1.    Wash it and it isn't clean. Don't wash it and then it's clean. What is it?                                  
2.    It will follow you for 1000 miles but not miss home. It desires neither food nor flowers. It fears not water, fire, knives, nor soldiers. But it disappears when the sun sets behind the western mountains. What is it?
3.     One east, one west. They die without seeing each other. What body part is it?

College Library News

With the very warm weather this week the College Library has been a popular lunch time option for many students. Students have used the space for study, reading, socialising and playing games. Scrabble and chess have been the most popular games  along with the Manga and Magazine collections.

Homework Club started Thursday afternoon and even though it was very warm approximately 45 students attended. Homework Club is available to all students every Thursday afternoon from 3.20 to 5pm. Teachers are available to assist students with any homework tasks.


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